30 January, 2008

One Big Happy Family

How (^$%$*^*^ cool is this?

While doing what I will call one of my favorite pass-times (aka Googling), I discovered this site. Are you hooked yet?

Well, let me digress for a moment, anyway! I love science. I am fascinated by documentaries on our “living planet” and “denizens of the deep;” mating habits of weird insects, BBC’s my breasts are too big – anything doing with people, animals, insects, vertebrates, invertebrates – are just really, really cool. I think it may have been early exposure to David Attenborough and Carl Sagan, but that’s neither here nor there. I just dig it!

DNA and geneology are another favorite area. So imagine how my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I clicked a link, which led me to the DNA Ancestry Project (http://www.dnaancestryproject.com/).

The project has three main focus areas:
“Find out where your ancestors came from, their ethnic background, and how they have scattered throughout the world today.”

From an anthropology perspective isn't this an exciting prospect?

“Find out whether you originated from the same ancestors as others around the world who share your last name. Instantly add entire branches to your family tree.”
“Search for long-lost family lines and generate professional reports.”

Talk about letting the family skeletons out of the closet! Just what my family needs, more loonies in the mix! Could I have more exclaimation points in this blog?


And there’s more! You pay to swab your own mouth and then watch the project unfold via the internet.

“WHAT?!” you ask in disbelief, “I have to pay for this? They should pay me!” After all, they are getting willing subjects and funding for their project all at once.

Maybe, but wait! Think about this for a minute – first off, whoever came up with the idea to solicit for test subjects and get them to fund the project is BRILLIANT! Man, kudos that person! Secondly, it is geneology and genetics all rolled up into one! Screw getting paid for it, you’re contributing to the betterment of knowledge for humans as a whole. Trace the migrations of your kin across the continent based on DNA samples from early man to your next door neighbor! Plus, not only do you get to participate in the project, you can track it on the web!

I think I might have to swoon.

This excites the heck out of me.

Ok, ok, I know there’s a whole seedy underbelly aspect to this as well. Gattica, anyone? The more people submit their genes, the more opportunity to use them for heinous and nefarious plots. The next thing you know, sheep will be walking around on two legs and we’ll find ourselves acting out an episode of Dr. Who.

Added to that is the secondary part of the project, which is the online database for family trees. You are now providing your personal family information – names of kin, children, relatives – and setting yourself up for some serious stalking or identity theft with no guarantees for protection from the hosting company.

But, still! Wow! How fabulous!

I think I know what I want for my birthday!