Category: News and Politics
I love the internet. The internet is like the ultimate trivia game and I like answering questions (mostly). Granted, there's usually little or no citations or references for the many of the claims and information on the web, but darn if those quizzes aren't fun! Speaking of which, I've found a new quiz for you all in keeping with the theme of today!
This quiz is entitled The Enhanced Precision Political Quiz and can be found at . A little click on the 'About' link and we find Quiz2d is created by Carl Milsted, Jr. Ph.d. I also found I can have tally information for people who take the quiz from my "site." I guess this means anyone who clicks on the link from my blog? Anyhoo, the purpose of the quiz is to help those of us who aren't quite sure where our political leanings lie determine where it is those leanings, well, lay. I suppose if you are quite sure where your political inclinations are, the quiz would also be a good gauge to see if your surety is, well, sure. You also get a cool graph to boot!
My results indicated I lean in the Moderate direction. Now, as I am not politically savvy I had to look up the definition of a Moderate. gives the definition as "opposed to radical or extreme views or measures, especially in politics or religion"( My personal definition is "one who is too lazy to feel strongly one way or the other and really just wants to get on with things, so if you don't mind save the rhetoric for someone who cares and pass me another cafe latte with an extra shot of guilt, please."
Well, regardless, the results of this quiz weren't all that surprising. I do lean towards the middle.
What about you?

P.S. Don't forget to vote! Are you registered?
Currently listening : Art Is Hard By Cursive Release date: 21 January, 2003
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